"It doesn't matter, because it's just a ride. And we can change it any time we want. It's only a choice. No effort, no work, no job, no savings of money. Just a simple choice, right now, between fear and love. The eyes of fear want you to put bigger locks on your doors, buy guns, close yourself off. The eyes of love instead see all of us as one. Here's what we can do to change the world, right now, to a better ride." - Bill Hicks.

Tuesday 19 July 2011


I think I might have enjoyed today had 4AM not had a desperate dash this morning to ensure the project would be deemed 'acceptable' by health and safety standards. But here's the rub - I realized that no matter what you do, nothing is every truly safe and everything can be a potential hazard if you look at it so. And unfortunatley, this is how some view the world these days; as one big, rotating on it's axis, lost in an interstellar jungle, hazard. Which is sad, especially when health and safety is used so frequently as an excuse to halt things as opposed to helping them instead. This isn't so much the case here...i'm just a lazy twenty something moaning about having to get off my ass and tidy the workplace. But it made me wonder - when is something absolutely, 100 % safe? Well, it's not, but just because I can't drop a student head first over the banister and guarantee they'll survive doesn't mean that it's an 'unsafe' environment. Because anything can happen. I'm not saying health safety is arbitery, but it's meant to help, not hinder.
Moan over...it is a Monday after all. Wait, Tuesday. Yes, Tuesday. Right, in other news...
A new student, Paolo, began today. Matt worked with him and taught him the basics of the music software 'Acid Pro' which he picked up quickly and enjoyed. The David Cameron set list is floating in the aether somewhere. BUT, new tracks will include 'Since You Been Gone' by Rainbow, 'By The Way' by The Red Hot Chilli Peppers and a new secret track that may or may not see me get linched by an angry adolescent mob. Fun times.
But the most interesting news comes from the downstairs office, where we are all currently watching the Murdochs get grilled live on the BBC. We haven't stoppped laughing - it's golden. There's a lot of table slapping by a gormless Rupert, and a tiring, recycled collection of rehearsed lines from a cringing James. I swear Rupert looks like he's nodding off...

I apologise for my past absence, Sir.

Word is bond.

Jake x

QUOTE OF THE DAY: 'This is the most humble day of my life' - Rupert Murdoch.

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